Books, Presentations& Articles
The Private Rooms - A Short Commentary (tafsir) of Surah AlHujuraat (The Private Rooms).
Living in an era where Muslim organizations and societies at large are often described as unsophisticated, backward or even uncivil, it is incumbent upon us to reflect on and address our communal and societal lackings. The Islamic tradition not only encourages this reflection, but the Holy Quran gives us a roadmap to succeed as an individual, a community, and even a larger society. One of the most powerful and instructive chapters in the Holy Quran that addresses our interaction with one another and our societal responsibilities is the Chapter of the Private Rooms (Surah Hujuraat). This short work is an English commentary of this invaluable chapter. This great, yet simple and short read can be purchased using the below link.
The Younger Years of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) & Important Lessons for Our Youth Today
Inspirational events in the early life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, provide us with a much needed avenue for spiritual growth. Due to its brevity, reliance on authentic sources, and gems from the earlier life of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, this is a must read work in the seerah genre.
Although used as a primary source for those pursuing advanced coursework in giving legal rulings, understanding the general concepts of the Uqood Rasmil Mufti by means of its translation and brief commentary, provides an indispensable resource for the English speaking world. It provides great insight into the depth of understanding and precise processes the Mufti utilizes when clarifying rulings and laws in the everyday life of a Muslim. The reader will be amazed to see that beyond simply extracting verses from the Quran and Ahadith of the Prophet PBUH, traditional scholars used a myriad of resources and considered numerous factors when explaining or even deriving rulings. It is worth noting that there are no authoritative English works, written by sunni scholarship, that solely address the concept of legal verdicts. Although brief, this work, by Shaykh Aamir, God-willing, will be the first step in accomplishing this noble task.

A detailed Presentation on the Bequests, Inheritance, Endowments, and Estate Planning

Fiqh of Dying, Support, Bathing, Shrouding, and Burial

Hijama/Wet Cupping In Islam

Udhiya/Qurbani In the Islamic tradition

Best Practices for Teachers and Parents of the AlQaidah ANooraniya

How is Eid Determined?

Astronomical Calculations

Astonishing Landmarks of Makkah and AlMadina

The Ottoman Empire and what remains